Respect for individuals forms the basis for the rule of law, the very essence of what makes America. In the Army, respect means recognizing and appreciating the inherent dignity and worth of all people. This value reminds leaders that soldiers are their greatest resources. Leaders honor the absolute value of being human and everyone’s individual worth by treating all people with dignity and respect.

Leaders also must foster a climate in which everyone is treated with dignity and respect regardless of race, gender, creed or religious belief. Such a climate promotes consideration for others, fairness in all dealings, and equal opportunity for everyone. In essence, they treat others as they would wish to be treated if they were in that situation.

In Matthew 19:19, Jesus said, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” As believers, we should have a respect for God and His commands. In Exodus 20, God spoke to His people and gave them a moral code by which to live. The first three of these commandments had to deal with the human relationship to God. God by His nature requires and demands our respect. We are to love Him with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength. If we truly love Him, we will have respect for Him. Solomon said the fear or respect of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

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