This is a fun crowd-breaker game to play in the New Year. The game is played much like charades.

Divide the group into two teams and give each team pencils and small slips of paper on which players can write phrases, personalities or news events that figured prominently in the past year. Movies, sports highlights or television shows may be used as you see fit. Each slip of paper should contain one name or idea.

Fold these pieces of paper and place them in a hat or box.

Each person must then take a turn and draw from the opposing team’s hat and try to pantomime the event or personality shown on the paper. No words or sounds may be used.

Keep score if you like, or just see who can do the best job of guessing these major events from the past year.

As a closing option, use this game to lead into a discussion about the New Year and some of the hopes and dreams for your youth group.

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