Learn to Study the Bible: 40 Methods
Andy Deane, 2009, 245 pp., $

Seriously? Can there really be 40 different ways to study the Bible?

Seriously. Andy Deane not only provides 40 different methods for Bible study, but as the subtitle — 40 Step-by-Step Methods to Help You Discover, Apply and Enjoy God’s Word — attests they’re useful, practical and engaging.

Deane asks thought-provoking questions throughout and has provided the means for virtually anyone to dig deep into Scripture. The beauty of this book is twofold: All learning styles are addressed; and if you get bored with one method, they are plenty of others from which to choose. Without trivializing the matter, Deane almost treats Bible study like a game in which there are limitless ways to play.

Another benefit is that those seeking to study Scripture may find that one method works well for a certain passage while another method works well for a different section of Scripture. Similarly, one method may prove more useful to a particular person’s specific interest(s) than another at any given time.

People of all ages would find this resource a useful tool, but those who are young and/or young in their faith especially would relish book for the simple fact that it helps make the Bible seem less intimidating. Those who are more advanced in their Christian education could use this book in leading others. In short, adding this volume to your list of study aids would be a wise move for any student of the Bible.

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